DC4JOBS – Digital Competences for Jobs

Start & End Date: 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2019
Place: Erfurt, Germany
Participating Countries: Cyprus, Romania, Germany, Netherlands, Lithuania, Spain
Project Partners: Emphasys (CY), Euroed (RO), Clictic S.L. (ES), Orge Municipality (LV), Breakthrough (NL), Arbeitskreis Ostviertel e.V. (DE)

Grant Giver: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for youth
Grant Amount: 206,000.80 EUR

The DC4JOBS project comes to join the efforts to promote the digital literacy among young people and fight skills mis-matches and young unemployment. It proposes to introduce a transparent, multi-regulated and multi-assessed process, based on an interactive and dynamic platform to be developed, for young people with fewer opportunities in order to up-grade, up-skill or re-skill their digital competences to meet the needs of labor market and bridge the gap related to skills mismatches between education and training and the world of work.

The direct target group is young people 16-24 years with a specific focus on young people with fewer opportunities (including NEETs, young people at risk of marginalization and young people with a migrant background, including newly arrived immigrants and young refugees, early school leavers etc.) who will acquire or upgrade their digital skills related to employability, whereas the indirect target group is the labour market, who will benefit from digitally literate young people through the provision of high quality non-formal learning, as well as the various organisations whose members will be educated and well equipped to fight unemployment.

The consortium consists of partners, from 6 EU countries which cover a wide range of expertise. A geographical balanced representation, as well as representation from different types of organizations to meet the needs of the project, as shown in the distribution of tasks/roles (NGO, NPO, SME in ICT, VET Provider) is ensured. All organizations possess the skills and competences required complementing each other. The partners share a particular interest for professional development and for promoting the EU research in the field of youth.

A wide range of activities, outputs and results are planned to be delivered during the 24 months of the project, ranging from a desktop survey, an interactive portal for training purposes, a selection of on-line and f2f training for digital skills acquisition and a strong and structured dissemination and exploitation strategy for sustainable results.

Intellectual Outputs:

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[ap_tab title=”Intellectual Output 1″]Benchmark Survey On Digital Skills-Gap

Further to the preliminary research conducted by all partners, during this I.O. further evidence will be collected in order to produce is a Comparative-Survey-Report highly useful for the development of the project’s aims and in compliance with the New Priorities of the ET2020 Report, the 2016 EC Recommendation ‘A New Skills Agenda for Europe’ and the ‘Skills Guarantee’, the 2015 ‘Renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field 2010-18).
It can be used as a reference document by the policy makers in partner countries for promoting the e-Skills for Jobs and the Digital Agenda in their country. Additionally it can be used as an informative report by other EU countries and the EC.
[ap_tab title=”Intellectual Output 2″] DC4Jobs Skills Charter

ased on the investigation into the current scene of each partner country in promoting digital skills acquisition for employment and in identifying the digital/employability needs of young people, the main aims of I.O. 2 are to define benchmarks and indicators for the DC4JOBS Digital/Employability Competence Charter (framework) against which young people’s current practice will be self, peer and professionally evaluated (Stock Taking on-line) and an intervention action-plan will be offered to monitor, record and validate achievement progress and to design the OPEN BADGES eco-system based on the DC4JOBS Competence Charter in terms of objectives and links between the assessment tools (IO3), structure (level, hierarchy and connections), criteria and description for issuers, graphic design, technological integration with the e-platform and endorsement procedure.

The Digital/Employability Competence Charter (framework) and the Open Badges (OB) system is an attempt to introduce quality standards to the provision of digital programmes, both in relation to the strengthening of young peoples’ profiles, but also in relation to the introduction of evidence-based data for quality assurance. This will later be linked to the self evaluation (on-line stock taking), the professional action-plan to be proposed for each participant through the provision of the e-platform, ICT Guides, e-resources/tools for blended learning in-house, on-line and face-to-face training and the validation process to earn a DC4JOBS BADGE.
The Digital/Employability Charter is in essence the Blue Print Handbook to be followed by national or local authorities, youth centres, NGOs, institutions etc. to ensure that young people are digitally literated and are equipped with the digital skills required by the labour market. It can be used or transfered to other sectors such as low-skilled adults, thus ensuring an added value and further exploitation prospects.

[ap_tab title=”Intellectual Output 3″]DC4Jobs Assessment Tool

ased on the development of the results of the benchmark survey and the Digital/Employability Competence Charter with benchmarks and indicators, the main aim of IO3 is to design both the procedure and the dynamic e-tool for young people to assess their level of digital and employability skills against the Competenc Charter (framework (IO2) presented in a two level process as a self and external assessment for validation (badge), which will then be analysed providing young people with an UP-SKILLING pathway & action plan.

[ap_tab title=”Intellectual Output 4″]DC4Jobs Portal

Based on the development of the targeted Digital/Employability Competence Charter with benchmarks and indicators, the development of the e-assessment procedure and tool, the main aim of IO4 is to design the dynamic and interactive e-platform to be used for the purpose of the project which will function as an Open Learning Environment, offering interactivity options through the e- DC4JOBS Academy to be set with learning opportunities, the e-EMPLOYMENT DATA BANK with useful information, e-tools, supporting services and the e-DC4JOBS Community for mentoring, peer and expert support, guidance and exchange of good practices.

[ap_tab title=”Intellectual Output 5″]DC4Jobs Tool Kit

Based on the Report of the current scene, the development of the Digital Competence Charter with benchmarks and indicators, the design of the e-tool for assessment (stock-taking), the development of the Open Badges eco-system and e-learning platform, IO5 will run in parallel with the main aim to design, develop and produce the “DC4JOBS TOOL KIT for organising the up-skilling programme and setting up the on-line and in-house ONE-STOP-SUPPORT-CENTRE” which will include the learning modules i.e. the Step-by-step Guides for digital training (if needed), the Manual supporting the implementation and use of the e-tool, the collection of resources, EU Initiatives for Youth and all accompanying material for the project’s campaign for strategic planning and exploitation.[/ap_tab]

[ap_tab title=”Intellectual Output 6″]DC4Jobs Upskilling Pathway Programe

Based on the products IO1 (Survey), IO2 (Framework), IO3(Assessment e-tool/procedure), IO4 (one-stop-support-centre, e-learning, Data Bank, Network, Community), and IO5 (Learning Modules & Tool Box) the main aim of IO6 is to design and implement an UP-SKILLING Training Programme for young people for acquiring digital/employability skills as defined in IO1/2 and utilise all products.
IO6 will provide the opportunity to implement the outputs developed, pilot test, evaluate and revise them before they are openly provided to be used at the National and EU level. By the end of this IO not only a substantial number of young people (over 100) will be trained face-to-face and on-line, but a complete UPSKILLING training Programme will be produced with case studies, guidelines, strategy, monitoring tools, assessment test etc.
The results of the evaluation will help to revise and improve the project outputs.
In the framework of this output partners will organise, deliver and evaluate a Development Prorgamme targeted to the needs of at least 10 -15 young people during 6-9 months (or as intensive course), whereas a large number can be registered to participate on-line.


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Spring School on Digital Competences

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