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Critical Lens: Don’t Look Up

On the last day of “Critical Lens” Outdoor Cinema sessions, a group of young people joined at Saline 34 backyard to watch and discuss the …


Critical Lens: The Social Dilemma

In the second day of “Critical Lens” Outdoor Cinema sessions, a group of young people joined at Saline 34 backyard to watch a documentary “The …


Making of a Shared Space

To pilot some of the activities and workshops that have been developed during the training course of the “Shared Spaces” project, 7 young people and …


Shared Spaces Training Course in Sweden: empowerment, creativity, inclusivity

How do we create a shared space? How to build a safe space where everyone can feel free, share, learn, and experiment? How to form …


Critical Lens: How IKEA plunders the planet

In the framework of Planet 4 Biodiversity project (P: Nr.: 101082212, funded by Horizon Program) seven young people got together to watch a documentary, part …


My Journey with Access2Success in Sweden

The Access2Success project aims to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that diverse communities, especially the project’s target groups: migrants, social workers, youth workers, and educators, …