Lost Home – Verlorene Heimat

Start & End Date: 25.08.2016-01.09.2016
Place: Erfurt
Participating Countries: Germany, Ukraine, Russia
Project Partners: Dnipropetrovsk regional youth non-governmental organization “MIKS” (UA), Falcogroup (RU)
Number of Participants: 24 participants

Grant giver: Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”, KJP
Programme: Meet up! German-Ukrainian Youth Encounters
Grant Amount: 20,622 EUR

The aim of the program is to provide space for sharing different vision and experiences, to enable participants to work together on the concept of “lost home”. The project creates opportunity for young people from Ukraine, Russia and Germany to meet and discuss your understanding and perception of the “home land” not only as the living place, but as your cultural and ethnical surrounding, the space where and by which your identity is formed. The role play and the method of “forum-theatre” will help you speak out and live through your experience of “losing home country” in case of escape/being a refugee (Ukraine) and being resident of a hosting country/town (Germany, Russian, Ukraine for internally displaced people).

The project offers opportunity for 24 young people to share visions, develop and play a common performance about the most actual topics in the modern Europe: home vs. escape, native vs. foreign, my world vs. our world, what makes us different and what unites us.

To reach the aims or the project, we designed trilateral youth exchange:
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[ap_tab title=”Trilateral Youth Exchange in Erfurt”]Trilateral Youth Exchange held from the 25th of August till 1st of September in Erfurt, Germany.

The project focuses on the theme Escape and Home. One event in Erfurt, Germany with the duration of 6 day training + travel days have the purpose to enable participants to work together on the concepts of “lost home” using the forum theatre method by overcoming own real or perceived traumas, learning to deal with diversity, take responsibility in the current life situations, promote active citizenship and being responsible towards common space/home.

The “forum-theatre” as one of the psychological and non-formal education tools will be used to expresses complex emotions and feelings about following subjects:
[ap_list list_type=”ap-list4″]
[ap_li]refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: how it feels to be a refugee in a foreign land or in one’s own country, to experience the real trauma of escape and the lost home, dealing with diverse social groups and new environments;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]refugee’s crisis (Ukrainian and other refugees in Germany and in Russia): how it feels to be a neighbour with a refugee/refugee family in the hosting country, dealing with imagined fears and real conflicts;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]increased tendencies of racism and group focused enmity in Germany from one hand, as well as racist and nationalistic tendencies within Ukraine and Russian and between them: what does it mean for young person to experience the trauma of imagined “lost home”, sudden changes in one’s cultural, ethnical and religious environment.
Experienced professionals with related qualifications and pedagogical experience will accompany the participants in their self-expression and reflection of the trauma and conflict situations.[/ap_li]

Number of participants: 24

Profile of participants: Youngsters aged between 17 and 26 from Germany, Ukraine and Russia. [/ap_tab]


The method “forum-theatre” as one of the psychological tools will be used to exchange ideas, expresses complex emotions and feelings about:
[ap_list list_type=”ap-list3″]
[ap_li]being a refugee in a foreign land or in one’s own country, to experience the trauma of escape and the lost home, dealing with diverse social groups and environments;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]living as a neighbor with a refugee/refugee family, dealing with your real and imagined fears and conflicts, to experience the trauma of imagined” lost home”, sudden changes in one’s cultural, ethnical and religious environment;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]coming back home after escape and dealing with a new/ building up a new identity, experiencing trauma and loss again;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]feeling of losing one’s space, religion, understanding of traditional values etc.[/ap_li][/ap_list]

The common space for creativity and exchange will foster a mutual understanding and feeling of the unity between participants about human rights (including refugee rights) and democratic values, value of the human life, sense of community and security, dealing diversity in the current life situations, promote active citizenship and being responsible towards common space/home.

The two week long events (one in Erfurt, Germany, another in Ukraine) have the purpose to enable participants to work together on the concepts of “lost home”, mutual experiences and reflect on them by overcoming own real or perceived traumas, learning to deal with diversity, take responsibilities for their own future. During this process three main tools of expression will be used, the theatre performance and radio podcasting, in order to foster creativity and to create room for expressions of feelings, thoughts and ideas.


The project has impact on the following levels: primary and secondary target group, local communities of participating countries, general benefits on the society. The project participants, the primary target group, reflect on the situation in their countries, learn to work and understand each other, obtain knowledge on the concepts of forced migration (refugee and IDP’s), racism, nationalism and group focused enmity both from theoretical and practical point of view. The secondary project group – refugees living in the events’ locations – are invited as audience together with locals for public performance and encouraged to participate in the discussion after. It will foster the inclusion, understanding between different societal groups, as well as give the opportunity to refugees to experience their emotions, maybe also speak them out in the discussion. The contacts of the secondary project group will be gathered after performance, and interesting persons could be invited as participants and/or multiplicators for the next projects of both organizations. The public events and involvement of the local communities as the secondary target group will rise awareness on the challenges of the forced migration for effected parties in a daily interaction, such as communal conflicts, fears, mutual accusation. The project also fosters creation of the welcoming culture in the communities, as well as brings up the issue of living in diversity and multiculturalism.


[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Lost_Home_Erfurt_2016_photo1.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Lost_Home_Erfurt_2016_photo2.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Lost_Home_Erfurt_2016_photo3.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Lost_Home_Erfurt_2016_photo4.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Lost_Home_Erfurt_2016_photo5.jpg[/ap_slide]





[ap_testimonial image=”https://scontent.ftxl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13226793_10206557325952592_6101624470899395476_n.jpg?oh=5071842456443763c2ed66520809e73a&oe=59762E11″ image_shape=”undefined” client=”Zafar Saydaliev” designation=”Trainer in Activity. 1″]
Working as a Trainer in this project “We Against Hate Speech 2.0″ in Weimar was a life changing experience for me, not only because participants from both Serbia and Germany were exceptionally active and talented, but also because the topic of the project made me and my colleagues to look at the current political situation in Europe from a different perspective. It was an opportunity to create something new and engaging, something that makes people think of their actions, both online and offline, and be responsible for their actions. I hope that with this project we were able to have an impact on young people, who will eventually become leaders of Europe, the Europe that we would like to see, the Europe where we would like to live in!
[ap_testimonial image=”https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13627086_793704852487_426508359594679477_n.jpg?oh=660bc0b823f407fa6e65ecfced1e5999&oe=59BE7F9F” image_shape=”undefined” client=”Grigoriy Grigoryev” designation=”Participant of Activity. 2″]
The time in Sajan flew by and never have I thought so much about words, sentences, thoughts and ideas. My group ended up shooting a movie that questioned labels we are given and those we accept. People are a spectrum and their spirits are as well. I still enjoy looking back at what we produced and memories we had.


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