For many years, education has concerned itself with preparing people to coexist with their peers and assume the responsibilities that exist in society entails. Today, more than ever before, educational policy highlights and prioritises the social aspects of education. Since the final decade of the 20th century western democracies have witnessed the ongoing development and consolidation of education for citizenship. An education for democratic citizenship, without incorporating every possible dimension, is part of social education.
According to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy “civic education” in its broadest definition means all the processes that affect people’s beliefs, commitments, capabilities, and actions as members or prospective members of communities.
The society where we live in is changing promptly due to various factors such as political, cultural and social. Every individual nowadays especially the youth are confronted with different forms of challenges caused by the aforementioned factors. With this situation, CGE believes that the best way to address these challenges is by educating and empowering the citizens particularly the youth. CGE in the past and until now continues to develop and implement projects that tackle active citizenship, volunteerism, social inclusion and integration issues, anti-discrimination, xenophobia, and promotion of European values to name a few.
Check some of our resent project in the field of civic education:
Volunteering Goes Europe
We Against Hate Speech 2.0.
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