Start & End Date: 01-06-2019 – 31-05-2020
Place: (Germany)
Participating Countries: Germany, Greece, Estonia, Italy, Romania
Number of Participants: participants
Grant Giver: Erasmus+
Funding Program: Key Action 1
Grant Amount: 48850 EUR
It is our idea for ‘Show me a Future II’ to use discussions about the not-so immediate future and the media. Thus, we will enable the participants to employ a solution-based approach to the challenges we face today and develop the solutions we need for tomorrow.
[ap_list list_type=”ap-list2″] The general objectives of the project are thus: [ap_li] To encourage active citizenship in Europe;[/ap_li] [ap_li] To foster a critical understanding of today`s media landscape and pop-culture;[/ap_li] [ap_li] To promote optimism about the future among European youth;[/ap_li] [ap_li] To promote alternative thinking in creating more positive narratives about the present and future;[/ap_li] [ap_li] To make the participants confident in their own abilities and realize that their abilities enable them to make valuable contributions to society;[/ap_li] [ap_li] To encourage solutions-based approaches to current problems and future challenges;[/ap_li] [ap_li] To promote inclusive European values based on individual freedom, tolerance, and respect for Human Rights and those disadvantaged in our societies;[/ap_li] [/ap_list]
To achieve this, 3 activities are planned:
[ap_tab_group type=”horizontal”]
[ap_tab title=”First youth exchange in Weimar”]
Building on the experiences of the 2017 project, the first youth exchange in Weimar will focus on the role and impact of modern media and popular culture in European societies today, the portrayal of the future in current media and pop-culture, and the narratives prevalent in and across today’s Europe. Here, we will as well discuss questions of how these narratives influence our ideas of the future of Europe and whether changes in those narratives are needed.
Number of participants: 30
Profile of participants: Young people 16 – 26 years old.
[ap_tab title=”Second youth exchange in Thessaloniki”]
Following this, the project’s second youth exchange in Thessaloniki will deal with the historical aspect of Europe in connection with the personal perception on what is Europe and how it’s future will be. After this awareness the participants get to know and participate in a ‘FutureLab’ to learn and think about the future in a more optimistic way.
Number of participants: 30
Profile of participants: Young people 16 – 26 years old.
[ap_tab title=”Third youth exchange in Weimar”]
Resulting the third youth exchange in Weimar will focus on how to deal with the world we will live in the future in more detail and discuss topics concerning Identity and Community, Social Contract and Rights, Democracy and Government, Economics and Power, Conflict and Stability of tomorrow already today.
Number of participants: 30
Profile of participants: Young people 16 – 26 years old.
Over the course of the project, the directly and indirectly participating/impacted young people will gain a structural outlook on the world and gain creative problem solving skills, develop their own specific ideas about the local, European and global environment they want to live in. The participants will be actively involved in dissecting the values portrayed and meanings implicitly conveyed in modern pop-culture and media, will learn how to instill a constructive, optimistic view based on shared values in others, and learn how to develop aspirational visions of the future. Consequently, this project encourages an approach to today’s zeitgeist, media and politics that is less based in the daily avalanche of news and information and more so in detecting long-term trends and structural issues of the world we live in.
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