Start & End Date: 01.02.2019 – 31.01.2021
Participating Countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, United Kingdom
Project Partners: Plattform e.V., European Digital Learning Network, CGE
Erfurt e.V.,
Emphasys Centre, Open Europe, Lancaster and Morecambe College
Number of Participants: app. 250
Grant Giver: Erasmus+
Funding Program: KA2 – Strategic Partnership
Grant Amount: 209 535 EUR
If we are to come to terms with the digital skills gap in Europe, education and training need to become a joint responsibility between employers, employees, educators and policy makers. We need to test ideas, develop projects, work and think together on the best ways to give people the skills they need for new jobs.” Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market Based on the recent evidence of the European Commission, ICT for Work (2017).
The digitalization is a process which transforms the way people act and interact on a large scale. As a consequence, also, the way people work is changing and the skills they need at work needs to be updated. This concerns all economic sectors, even the not traditionally related ones to digitization e.g. farming, health care, vocational training and construction. To support this transition and to close the current gap the project promotes the priority of promoting quality youth work.
The project`s aims are to strengthen the profile of Youth Workers and to develop strategies and methodologies of youth work in this field to have an impact on this problem. The quality of youth work will be upgraded through the development of the Complete Tool Kit accompanied with a set of new teaching and learning material to support the acquisition, monitoring, assessment and validation of high-tech digital skills of young people. In doing so YW will be provided with a professional development course for digital up skilling. Through the project, quality standards will be introduced as the DIGITAL@YOUTH WORK program to be implemented will be based on the design of a digital framework within built benchmark and indicators based on which the progress of YP will be monitored and assessed. A validation system is also proposed to make digital skills even more accessible.
The whole project promotes the development of deep tech digital skills as purported by the recent reports of the EU (2018 Digital Action Plan, 2017 New SKills Agenda, 2018 Renewed Key Competences) in an attempt to bridge the digital gap with the labour market and support YP to meet the needs of employment. It should be visible, transparent and recognized to has an impact of the development of the relevant and high-quality skills and competences. Because of the project`s strong connection to the labour market real needed qualities will be enhanced.
Digitalization is the integration of digital technologies onto everyday life by the digitization of everything that can be digitized. On that account the project is implemented in a e-learning tool as a new open way of learning. A powerful, dynamic and interactive platform will be developed openly for the acquisition and validation of digital skills. The consortium comprises of 6 organizations representing mainly Youth Organizations, but also the IT field, that have a genuine interest and urge to promote digital acquisition and supporting young people to be fully equipped to deal with the digital challenges of the labour market. Formal education has recently been questioned about its leading role in preparing students to handle the digital needs of the jobs of tomorrow. While acknowledging the benefits and importance of non-formal learning, the consortium builds on potential and prospects of youth work in order to promote through the creation of synergies with the labour marker targeted digital skills to enhance their employability.
The target group is young people between 16-22 years old with a specific focus on girls and young people with fewer opportunities to ensure equal access and participation in this type of activities in the field of IT. The secondary target group is youth workers whose profiles will be strengthened to upgrade YOUTH WORK Practices and methodologies.
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