Volunteering Goes Europe

Start & End Date: 01.02.2016-30.09.2017
Place: Weimar, Sajan, Erfurt
Participating Countries: Germany, Albania, Italy, Turkey, Sweden, Slovakia, Montenegro, Romania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Iceland, Poland
Project Partners: Shoqata Rinia Ne Sipermarrjen E Lire (AL), South Europe Youth Forum (IT), Centre For Children, Youth And Family (BA), Sistem Ve Jenerasyon Dernegi (TR), The Organization For Poverty Alleviation & Development (SE), Grupa “Hajde Da…” (RS), Association For Democratic Prosperity – Zid (ME), Asociacion Cultural Euroaccion Murcia (ES), Youth Association Ymca Bitola (MK), Team For Youth Association (RO), Althjodleg Ungmennaskipti-Aus (IS), Towarzystwo Wiedzy i Przedsiebiorczosci (PL)
Number of Participants: 58

Grant Giver: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA1, Learning Mobility of Individuals
Grant Amount: 68,998 EUR

This project is designed to provide more EVS opportunities and ensure quality standards within network of organizations for personal and professional orientation for young people through mobility.

The main aim for this project is to raise the quality of EVS projects and set higher quality standards within the network for personal and professional orientation for youth through mobility. Implementing several activities we are intending to reach the following objectives:
[ap_list list_type=”ap-list2″]
[ap_li]to share good practices with the organizations we are cooperating with and we will cooperate in future EVS projects;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to provide high quality EVS projects for young people with fewer opportunities within Erasmus+ program;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to build capacity of the organizations for work with the EVS program, increasing organizational staff competences;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to promote the Erasmus+ Programme and the European Voluntery Service on European level.[/ap_li]

Reaching the objectives we are going to improve the level of key competences and skills of young people involved in this project and its outcomes, at the same time promoting participation in democratic life and active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, strengthening the links between the organizations in the youth field and improving the quality on European level.

To reach the aims of the project, we designed four main activities:
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[ap_tab title=”Activity. 1 – Seminar”]Seminar “Raising the Bar” held from the 12th till 17th of April in Weimar, Germany.

Learning is a life-long process and even the most experienced organizations have a need for new/fresh ideas and get recognition for their previous work.

Objectives of the Seminar are:

[ap_list list_type=”ap-list4″]
[ap_li]to recognize the benefits delivering quality EVS and find solutions for challenges the organizations are facing working with EVS;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to recognize and be able to reach the young people with fewer opportunities;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to recognize the needs of the organization, local community and the young people with fewer opportunities;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to recognize the challenges and benefits for international youth work;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to learn for Erasmus+ program and share experience with successful projects;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to match organizational, local and young people needs.[/ap_li]

Number of participants: 26

Profile of participants: Youth workers, organization presidents/leaders and staff from NGOs active in EVS.
[ap_tab title=”Activity. 2 – Training Course”]Training Course “EvsMOTIONS” held from the 15th till 24th of July in Sajan, Serbia.

Our experience shows that EVS mentors/tutors/facilitators need to have more skills and knowledge to support the volunteers, especially in a context of emotional management and stress relief. This training will be chance to develop their competence, especially in context of – learning to learn – philosophy that will enable them to deliver of better quality support within their future work.

Objectives of the Training Course are:

[ap_list list_type=”ap-list4″]
[ap_li]to empower mentors/tutors/facilitators to be aware of their own difficult-to-handle fillings that arise during their work with EVS volunteers with fewer opportunities;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to learn ways to self-assess and develop own emotional competencies;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to introduce the concept of emotional intelligence and its relevance for professional and personal development;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to develop and to integrate the L2L competences from a perspective of emotional management in the work with EVS volunteers;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to develop the self-awareness regarding his/her own limits, character & personality and its impact on the EVS mentoring/facilitating process and learning preferences.[/ap_li]

Number of participants: 28

Profile of participants: This activity is designed for staff (mentors/tutors/facilitator) from partner organizations who will be directly working with the EVS volunteers for more skills and knowledge how to give support EVS volunteers in a context of emotional management and stress relief.[/ap_tab]
[ap_tab title=”Activity. 3 – European Voluntary Service”]Long term European Voluntary Service “EVS in CGE” held from the 1st of June till the 31th of May in Erfurt, Germany.

With aim to promote the future EVS project we will host four volunteers who will promote EVS in Thuringia and Germany.

Objectives of the EVS are:

[ap_list list_type=”ap-list4″]
[ap_li]to raise awareness of volunteerism among young people, promoting its values and the benefits;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to increase mobility among long term unemployed people, so they can gain independence and autonomy in their decisions;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to gain practical experience which will increase their chance in the labour market after finishing their voluntary service;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to get young people out of their comfort zone and discover their own potential;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to increase the motivation among the young people to become active in their own development;[/ap_li]
[ap_li]to come in contact with new ideas, develop their creativity, experience team work with people from diverse cultures, and improve his/her entrepreneurship skills.[/ap_li]

Number of participants: 4

Profile of participants: Young people able to communicate in German language, interested to work with media (video production, press realise, graphic design, web and social network), age 18 – 25.[/ap_tab]
[ap_tab title=”Activity. 4 – Evaluation Meeting”]Evaluation Meeting done online.

The final step of this project is an online evaluation meeting which will serve as an opportunity to evaluate the project in general and deeply understand how the objectives were or were not achieved. It will also serve as an opportunity to plan and create a layout for concepts to be carried out in the future development. This final event will not only evaluate, but also validate the outcome of this project in order to build new projects that include lessons learnt and best practice models.

Number of participants: Open for all involved participants.

Profile of participants: Participants form Activity. 1, Acitvity. 2 and Activity. 3.[/ap_tab]


The methodology used within this project will be based on European non-formal education principles that we share as well – i.e. learner-centeredness, cooperative learning (learning with a group, from the group and in a group), voluntary participation, interactive methods, balance between theory and practice, flexible and with structured aims and objectives, respect experiential learning cycle, self reflection, learning in social context. In this case the methodology serves not just to transmit the message, but also represents the underlying values of the training (equality, respecting differences, intercultural exchanges, multiculturalism, personal responsibilities).


This project is going to create new EVS vacancies for young people with fewer opportunities and improve the quality work of organizations working with EVS.


[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Volunteering_Goes_Europe_Weimar_photo1.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Volunteering_Goes_Europe_Weimar_photo2.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Volunteering_Goes_Europe_Weimar_photo3.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Volunteering_Goes_Europe_Weimar_photo4.jpg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Volunteering_Goes_Europe_Weimar_photo5.jpg[/ap_slide]


Not available for now.


[ap_testimonial image=”https://scontent.ftxl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14199251_1256895634322142_1399797226313979613_n.jpg?oh=949ce4014539ee614ff384e24b87985d&oe=59856420″ image_shape=”undefined” client=”Valentas Kriauciunas” designation=”Participant of Activity. 3″]
It was great


Dissemination Materials
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