Xenophobia Revisited

Start & End Date: 01.01.2017 – 31.12. 2017
Place: Weimar
Participating Countries: Slovenia, Estonia, Portugal, Italy, Romania and Greece
Project Partners: Zdruzenje EPEKA, so.p., Youthnet Hellas, Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initiativa Civica, MTÜ NOORTEVAHETUSE ARENGU ÜHING ESTYES, Identities, Associação para a Formação Profissional e Desenvolvimento do Montijo.
Number of Participants: 21 participants

Grant Giver: Erasmus+
Key Action: Key Action 1, Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Youth mobility
Grant Amount: 12513.00€

To reach the aims of the project, we designed one activity:
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[ap_tab title=”Training Course in Weimar”]Training course held from 21 to 26 of May in Weimar, Germany

Throughout the program, topics like the promotion of active citizenship in Europe on the basis of the lessons learned from the Second World War or the prevalent media-narratives in Europe today and their chances and challenges for remembrance work were discussed using a variety of methods of informal education and as well include meetings with experts and excursions to the former Concentration Camp Buchenwald in Weimar and the Topf & Söhne remembrance site in nearby Erfurt.

Number of participants: 21

Profile of participants: The training course is open for trainers and multipliers in youth and remembrance work between 20 and 30 years old.


Non-formal education methods.

“Xenophobia Revisited” aimed at improving the participants’ work as multipliers in remembrance work and history education by the exchange of knowledge across national and geographical lines and thus enable them to incorporate the knowledge and approaches from other remembrance cultures into their own work. This way, it increased their competence in and knowledge of the inclusion of digital media into remembrance work and history education and their awareness of today’s history education as strongly connected to today’s public discourse and as a tool against extremist political ideologies, it heightened their awareness of the structural challenge of dealing with educating about history in the absence of living memory and ways to mitigate it, took stock of current methodologies of remembrance work and history education and evaluated them in light of the recent rise of far-right groups across Europe.

[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Xenophobia_Revisited_Weimar_2017_photo1.jpeg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Xenophobia_Revisited_Weimar_2017_photo2.jpeg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Xenophobia_Revisited_Weimar_2017_photo3.jpeg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Xenophobia_Revisited_Weimar_2017_photo4.jpeg[/ap_slide]
[ap_slide target=”_self”]https://www.cge-erfurt.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Xenophobia_Revisited_Weimar_2017_photo5.jpeg[/ap_slide]

[ap_testimonial image=”https://scontent.ftxl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14199251_1256895634322142_1399797226313979613_n.jpg?oh=949ce4014539ee614ff384e24b87985d&oe=59856420″ image_shape=”undefined” client=”Valentas Kriauciunas” designation=”Participant of Activity. 1″]
It was great
[ap_testimonial image=”https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c40.0.160.160/p160x160/16195818_1470761306281448_1768909087944256914_n.jpg?oh=3faa2cd9cbe790a9b1945844f064b6d8&oe=59BE34D2″ image_shape=”undefined” client=”Steveli Säde” designation=”Participant of Activity. 3″]
This project was awesome. Right there I “met” street workout. I got new knowledge and friends from Europe! The best part was our team exercise – water rafting. I had a looottt of fun with everybody and I learned that even if you cant talk in English, it’s still easy and possible to communicate 🙂


Dissemination Materials