About the Connected Learning project:
The ConnectedLearning@YW project aims to make learning available to everyone. The project has produced European online platform and a mobile application for easier access, which will allow individuals to browse various seminars and training programmes (formal and non-formal learning), based on specific filters, such as language, subject, age etc., which are offered in various areas, by specific organisations. Connected Learning is a KA205 Strategic Partnership for Cooperation, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
The project’s target group are young people who can benefit from easy access to information regarding participation in various programmes, so they can develop their skills and enhance their employability. More specifically, the project emphasizes young people with fewer opportunities, such as early school leavers, youth that live in remote areas, refugees, immigrants people who speak another language, etc.
You can explore the Connected Learning Map HERE
Connected Learning at EngagementLand // Multiplier Event
EngagementLand // Open-Air-Festival für und mit engagierten Bürger*innen // was the flagship event of CGE-Erfurt’s summer! A festival on civic engagement that aimed to promote European Union projects to the local community and to specific education stakeholders.
CGE-Erfurt hosted a project table introducing participants to the Connected Learning project and its outputs. A QR code was available for participants to scan and to download the app and at the opening ceremony, education stakeholders introduced the value of social enterprises and opened a round of discussion of the particular value for young communities of social entrepreneurship.
Over 120 participants engaged with the Connected Learning table, and within the group discussions on social entrepreneurship with education stakeholders. Participants were invited to share contact details with each other to help form a lasting network of civic actors in the community interested in promoting the various outputs of the project, from e-learning opportunities to the Connected Learning Map.
This event was supported by inputs from local social enterprises run by young migrants, which allowed the theoretical input of the Connected Learning project to be complemented by real-life examples of young entrepreneurs in the local community, with reflections on the skills and competencies a young person needs to drive a social enterprise.
Young people with concepts for social initiatives were also invited to engage with the broad set of supports available for young people through a variety of local projects, including the e-learning possibilities available on the Connected Learning platform. Local organizations and education stakeholders were also presented the possibility of placing their outputs onto the common Connected Learning Map to boost their reach.
You can still follow the Connected Learning outputs and the final progress of the project at www.connectedlearningmap.com/map/ and on our social media pages!