Projects in 2020

Brave New YOU–Reloaded

Start & End Date: 01-01-2020 – 31-12-2021 Participating Countries: Belgium, Slovakia, Sweden, Greece, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Estonia, Italy, Portugal, Germany Project Partners: STIFTELSEN FRYSHUSET (Slovakia), STIFTELSEN FRYSHUSET (Sweden), UNITED SOCIETIES OF BALKANS (Greece), CENTER FOR INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE ASSOCIATION (North Macedonia), ORGANIZING BUREAU OF EUROPEAN SCHOOL STUDENT UNIONS (Belgium), MLADINSKI CENTER BIT ZAVOD ZA DRUGO IZOBRAZEVANJE, IZPOPOLNJEVANJE IN USPOSABLJANJE, SOCIALNO PODJETJE (Slovenia), SAUGA AVATUD NOORTEKESKUS(Estonia), ACTIONAID INTERNATIONAL ITALIA ONLUS (Italy), MOJU – ASSOCIACAO MOVIMENTO JUVENILEM OLHAO (Portugal), CULTURE GOES EUROPE (CGE)- SOZIOKULTURELLE INITIATIVE ERFURT EV (Germany) Brave New YOU–Reloaded will bring communities closer by building trust between different groups of young people as well as capacities to become active agenda-setters & actors for change at both local and European level to co-create more open-minded & inclusive Europe.Project tackles issues of lack of participation of disadvantaged & less represented groups in communities around Europe. Find out more…

ONE RADIO 1920-2020

Start & End Date: 01-01-2020 – 31-12-2021 Participating Countries: Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Iceland Project Partners: ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE ENJOY SICILY (Italy), Stichting WOW Go (Netherlands), CULTURE GOES EUROPE (CGE)- SOZIOKULTURELLE INITIATIVE ERFURT EV(Germany), SEEDS – SEE beyonD borderS (Iceland) OneRadio EU was born to celebrate 100 years of the first radio broadcast in the sense of musical radio history and we want to do it through the creation of a network of European strategic cooperation between organizations active in the promotion of youth participation in local activities , National and international. The main mission of the project is to encourage the participation and commitment of young people to the activities offered by local organizations as a way of developing skills and abilities that they can not develop in the field of formal education. Find out more…


Start & End Date: 01.04.2020 – 30.09.2021 Participating Countries: Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania Project Partners: CULTURE GOES EUROPE (CGE) – Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. (coordinator), Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (DARE) Network, Jaan Tonissoni Instituut MTU,Associazione Promozione Sociale LaFenice Associazione Sportiva, Institutul Intercultural Timisoara, UMAR – Uniao de Mulheres Alarnativae Resposta Assiociacao, United Societies of Balkans Astiki Etaireia The project «The Unsung Hero Dialogues – Promoting Solidarity and Diversity through Awareness and Policy Reform» aims to increase awareness among European public of the importance of civic engagement in social and political discourse, as well as increase the competence of NGOs, as one of and freedoms. To achieve these objectives the project will focus on 1) increasing attention on the economically unstable position of young activists, working in small-sized NGOs 2) empowering young activists to advocate their rights through collective actions by creating a local and international networking among small CSOs within Europe and building a direct dialogue with policy makers. 3) increasing awareness of the importance of civil society by making an international campaign promoting European values and the importance of civic education to a wider public. Find out more…