Spring School on Digital Citizenship in Brussels // DICIPASS4YOUTH

Young people are engaged and keen on shaping the digital world. This has been proven by the results of the implemented blended youth mobility – the Spring School on Digital Citizenship in Brussels, Belgium from April 26th till May 2nd, 2022. As part of the strategic partnership DICIPASS4YOUTH (Pr. Nr.: 2019-1-DE04-KA205-017888), funded by the Erasmus+ […]

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DICIPASS4YOUTH: Kick-Off Meeting in Cyprus

On the past 12th and 13th of September our partners in Cyprus, Emphasys Centre, hosted the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Youth project DICIPASS4YOUTH (Digital Citizenship for Youth Empowerment). We at CGE participated along with four other partners: University of Pieraus (Greece), Global Citizens’ Academy (Lithuania), CCS Digital Education Limited (Ireland) and Open Europe (Spain).

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