Second and the last part of the long-term project “Informal Revision” took place at the beginnig of April in Weimar, Germany.
“InFormal ReVision II” project was open for educators coming from formal and non-formal educational system, psychologists and social workers, youth workers and staff from NGOs and formal educationa system. The first training course took place in 2017 in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, where the participants were intoruced to the basic educational methods and approaches nonformal education, shared personal experience and challenged themselves by practising different roles of an educator (trainer, teacher, expert, presenter etc.).
The second training in Weimar gathered 30 people from Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, FRY of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Russia and the United Kingdom. The program this was focused the appication of non-formal methodology in formal educational environment. The participants again got the chance to organise a learning session in a safe environment of the training course. Afterwards they reflected on possible risks, mistakes, successful parts, which they were made during their sessions.
Three out of eight days were fully dedicated to real-life learning sessions, which were prepared by participants in small groups. The topics and methodology were chosen by the participants independently, that is why the subjects were both from the academic field and from non-formal sector. Leadership and motivation, language lessons and religious studies, SPA recreation and ecological consequences of unsustainable economy, robotics and more – how to put such different ideas in the canva of non-formal approach? The answer is by using proper session outline. Thinking about the goals and aims of the lesson/educational hour, prognosing the interest and the background of the target group, whom you are working with, applying the most reliable methodics of group work – that what was helping the practicioners.
Th training couse cointributed to the change in the way partcipants work with youth, making it more participative and transparent for young people. Moreover, after the training the participants understood the approach and principles of non-formal education and from now on can use it for the youth empowerment, they able to use coaching in the work and can follow the coaching cycle, using the different models of coaching. Indeed the revision – is a tool for improvement and enrichment.
Another interesting feature of the project was Open Badges Ecosystem, which was presented for participants as the tool for self-evaluation and self-reflection already in Armenia. Open Badges are used to recognize skills gained through a variety of experiences, regardless of the age or background. Throughout the training it was possible to earn 12 badges by varifying the experience on the online platform:
To look closer on the positive examples of non-formal activities, visit the websites of project-partners, who are improving their teaching skills, inspire young people to make a difference and support colleagues to develop the ways and styles of work:
Qendra UET (Albania),
World Independent Youth Unionof (Armenia),
Bulgarian Youth Association (Bulgaria),
KURO Hradec Kralove z. s. (Czech Republic),
Eesti People to People (Estonia),
Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (FRY of Macedonia),
Youth For the World (Georgia),
Hellenic Youth (Greece),
Vicolocorto (Italy),
Biedrība “Solis tuvāk” (Latvia),
Academy of innovation (Russia),
Project 2020 Community Interest Company (United Kingdom).
We are grateful for a fantastic eight working days and wish our participants success in their future endeavours!