From 7th to 15th of June CGE representative Grisha Grigoriev joined a Project Partnership Building Seminar in Mariapfarr, Austria. The seminar brought together 40+ participants and representatives from Europe and beyond. It was a week that explored Human Rights Education, Intercultural Learning and many other topics that participating organisations deal with.
The seminar was a great opportunity of sharing the background and information about CGE’s projects. During the funding presentations, Grisha Grigoriev was one of the eight presenters and shared organisation’s working experiences – from Europe For Citizens to German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Additionally, he learned new methods and connections for funding that will surely become useful in the future at CGE and beyond.
During the seminar, two of the days were dedicated to project development and partnership. Grisha led a team of 10 participants from 8 various countries. The participants represented Azerbaijan, Austria, Georgia, Germany, Palestine, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. The project attempted to address the needs of the project partners and provide an opportunity for them and their users, as well as self-learners all over the world. The name of the future project is EduHub and the aim is to raise awareness and usage of modern digital education tools by and for educators, youth workers, teachers and self-learners. The team has already identified possible funding opportunities and set up communication channels to finish and submit it – so keep your eye out for it in 2020.

Furthermore, CGE was participating in another three developing projects. One of them aims to promote human rights in Palestine/Israel/Egypt and all over Europe. Second sets the goal to better assist female entrepreneurs and support them in Italy, Germany and Central Caucasus areas. And third, a pilot project, which will investigate Jewish and Muslim youth leaders in Germany, aims to prepare CGE for the second stage of the project. In the second stage, with the leadership by the Israeli partner, participants will have an opportunity to visit and live in Arab and Jewish family households, in order to better understand the complexities of Middle East situation.

The Project Partnership Building Seminar was a joint effort led by Generation Europa (Austria) & Academy of Innovation (Russia). The week in the Alps provided an opportunity not only to network but outline and commit steps for future projects between CGE and many of the project participants. Opportunities like this, by Erasmus+, allow for joint collaboration and better communication for project partners and their ideas – where Grisha, and many of the other participants, took the full opportunity of that. One participant even learned how to ride a bicycle and provided great inspiration to the group that anything is possible when we work together, believe in each other and support one another. Grisha would like to thank all the organizers and participants that made this possible and he is looking forward to extending network of ideas and projects on CGE’s behalf.