On the 30th of November, 2022 CGE Erfurt e.V. hosted a multiplier event in Saline34 in Erfurt, Germany.

We introduced the Back to the Future project at first, and then discussed the developed outputs:
- IO1 – The publication “Where to now? Effective follow up of international youth mobilities on local level”,
- IO2 – Online portal and tool bank,
- IO3 – Set of recommendations towards organisations for improving post-mobility activities.
After a break, a workshop with the “Fast Forward” game followed. We got new perspective from the participants and
At the end, we held a panel discussion, where key stakeholders in international youth work in Erfurt could present their good practices of follow-up in Youth Exchanges and Training Courses.
Last but not least, as CGE Culture Goes Europe – Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. has been hosting several ESC volunteers over the 16 years of existence, we also had the chance to introduce our module on Follow-up in Volunteer Management and discuss it with the participants.

This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.