Last Saturday, the 25th of March, it took place the City Expedition in Weimar!
With a group of around 25 participants we visited several spaces to explore and experience Weimar’s public spaces via storytelling, measuring spaces, and engaging with basic urban planning tools. The diversity of the group, which included urban experts, architects, Bauhaus and Willy Brandt students, children, migrants newcomers in Thuringia, and the PM4I Youth Ambassadors, we gathered several fascinating observations, which showed the value of diversity.
Our key moments:
In Stephane Hessel Platz, our mentor Gall Podlaszewski guided us to perform the “measurement act”, a tool to measure the elements present in that curious public space.
Then Alicia, one of our selected Youth Ambassadors, tried out placemaking tools where she guided participants to reflect on safety and feelings in public spaces.
After some walking, we reached Wielandplatz, where our mentor and urban expert Joullenar used “the sense of ownership” tool to analyze Wielandplatz in small groups and later share our impressions.
Escaping the stormy weather, we reached Other Music Academy to reflect on the data we collected and entertained ideas to intervene public spaces of Weimar this summer!
Thanks to everyone for your active participation!
#PM4I #Placemaking #youthwork #diversityandinclusion #youthparticipation #placemakeit