Mix it Up, Shake it Up: Monitoring Meeting in Erfurt

From 2nd to 5th of April, CGE Erfurt e.V. has hosted a monitoring meeting of the “Mix it up! Shake it up!” – KA2 Strategic Partnership supporting Innovation. The representatives of the consortium came to Erfurt to discuss the ongoing process of collecting survey results and the further development of the intellectual outputs.

The aim of the “Mix it up! Shake it up!” project is to develop guidelines and capacities for quality follow up of different youth mobility activities, transfer of learning from international to local and national environment, and offering space for more active engagement of youth leaders within the civil society and youth field.

On the monitoring meeting, the partners and the CGE team – represented by Zafar Saydaliev, Marina Bykova and Natalia González – were able to discuss the results of the survey, undertaken to find out the best practices of the local organisations in managing transfer of knowledge after a learning mobility, as well as volunteer/member management practices. Moreover, the structure of the guidebook was finalised at the meeting; the responsibilities in writing the chapters divided; further deadlines for analysis submission set. In the last day the participants had the chance to look closely at the upcoming seminar “Follow-Up of international youth mobilities on local level – increasing the engagement and impact” in Macedonia and define the plan for preparing to this activity.

CGE Erfurt e.V. would like to say special thank you to RENN.mitte & Zukunftsfähiges Thüringen e.V. for providing the working space in the KoWo “Haus der Vereine” and to all project partners for the productive work. We look forward to the next meeting in June 2019! 🙌🏽

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