As part of the project “Culture Goes Digital”, three participants from CGE Erfurt e.V. has visited the Emphasys Center (Nicosia, Cyprus) for two weeks in July 2019 and learned from their experience in managing an ICT center and courses for adult educators.
The second job-shadowing was lead by the group of Haythem Atef, Aleksandra Polivanaya and Rene Winter. Their learning focus was towards sustainable management of an ICT centre and utilisation of teaching methodic of the Emphasys’ staff.
In order to keep developing high-quality projects, at the European level, without external support, the group wanted to learn how to develop self-sufficient financial plans. Emphasys was able to present us some key ideas in this area, since they have substantially diversified their activities and their financial resources, which lead to their financial sustainability and gradual growth of the organisation. CGE is also inspired to have such facility, which is specially adapted to the ICT trainings. We believe that this project will encourage us to improve out management strategy in the near future.
Secondly, Finding new methodologies through ICT to enhance teaching and learning is an on-going process for educators, making the task of bringing technology into the learning environment more demanding. As the pull of trainers, we always have the need to know how to help our learners to comprehensively use the available equipment or software. Participating as learners in this job-shadowing allowed our team mates to learn about teaching ICT to adults.
All in all, the job shadowing was evaluated quite successfully by its participants and brought new ideas and approaches in managing an organisation with the focus on digitalisation and ICT learning.
The project is financed by the Nationale Agentur beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung.