As one of the final events, CGE Erfurt organized a Youth Exchange from the 8th until the 14th of July, 2019. The project was part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership DC4JOBS. The aim of this youth exchange was to test the improved teaching materials from the DC4JOBS Spring School together with the young people from all over Europe.

On July 10th, during “Advancing Digital Youth”, CGE Erfurt e.V. together with its colleagues from the Erasmus+ strategic partnership DC4JOBS hold an international conference “Digital Youth Work 3.0 – Competences for the Labour Market of Tomorrow”, gathering more than sixty expiters and practitioners in the topic of education and digital technology.
“DC4JOBS-Digital Competences for Jobs” is a strategic partnership project, which promotes digital literacy among young people and fights youth unemployment. To bridge the gap related to the skills mismatch between education and jobs, the project partners developed an interactive platform to up-grade, up-skill or re-skilldigital competences of young people to meet the needs of the labour market. The project consortium consists of seven partners from Cyprus, Germany, Latvia, theNetherlands, Romania and Spain.