
Call for Participans: Be Sustainable

Be SustainAble is a Youth Exchange born from the desire to improve Sustainable Development, particularly in tourism field, in the South of the Region Lazio, precisely along the so-called coast Riviera of Ulysses. We will provide the participants with all the information about the subject through quality learning and constructive dialogue, in which they will […]

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“Dare 2 Do” – Final Youth Exchange of “Show me a Future II”

We started to dream about the future last August in Mühlhausen during“Dare 2 Dream Differently”, this continued in “Dare 2 Care” in Novemberin Thessaloniki, and we came back together again. From 08.03 to 15.03.2020, our SmaF team of Jasmin Jäger, Moritz Borchardt, Carolina Alves, Mike Cotterell and Ulyana Duve facilitated the third and final youth

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Thuringia stands undivided (#unteilbar) against Fascism – Official Statement

The political turmoil that has grappled Thuringia in the past week, its consequences on a regional and national level are unparalleled in the fifteen years CGE Erfurt’s existence. Founded on the idea of promoting intercultural and international understanding, the tolerance and equality of all humankind, CGE stands for a local and international network of collaborators,

Thuringia stands undivided (#unteilbar) against Fascism – Official Statement Read More »

Whose city? Youth Work in the Shrinking City – Conference 2-4 December

‘’The city is boring and there are no offers for teens. You can not do anything in summer or you already know it inside out.’’ ‘’Even the people living here do not convey a good impression among the young people (many old people who get drunks and unfriendly people)’’ ‘’There are not many new things

Whose city? Youth Work in the Shrinking City – Conference 2-4 December Read More »

Fighting the good fight, but for what? – Results of the 2018 European Civil Society Survey on Labour Rights for Civil Society Workers

Could you imagine Europe without any civil society organizations? It is hard to imagine our European community without all the activists, organizers and idealists in civic education who work tirelessly to promote the equal rights, diversity and solidarity in our society. In the big picture, the importance of civil society organizations as one of the

Fighting the good fight, but for what? – Results of the 2018 European Civil Society Survey on Labour Rights for Civil Society Workers Read More »

Intercultural learning and Beyond: Training Course in Italy

From 14th until 22nd of March two members of the CGE team, Moritz Borchardt and Elina Miagkovaitė, participated in the Training Course „I. LAB – Intercultural Learning and Beyond“ in Tortona, Italy. Young activists from 16 countries came together to explore the different dimensions of intercultural learning (ICL) in order to develop a new innovative

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