Virtual C1 Activity: Short Term Joint Staff Training was a 5-day online event, which was be organised as part of the Connected Learning project, from Novermber 30th till December 4th, 2020.
The C1 Activity included:
- The analysis of the CONNECTEDLEARNING@YW project, aims, etc.;
- Good examples of mapping spaces of learning and technical solutions will be presented;
- Peer learning based on IO1 results;
- The CONNECTEDLEARNING@YW TOOL KIT with all accompanied tools, resources, templates, activities, road maps, etc. to be used by Young People and Youth Workers and reviews;
- The Web Portal and Mobile App (IO2) will be presented, along with all functionalities and procedures to be followed;
- The DIGITAL LEARNING UNITS ROUTE (IO3) will be presented and the procedure to be followed for the pilot-testing will be analysed;
- The assessment procedure based on the Open Badges developed and used in practice to record Young Peoples’ digital skills and knowledge after the programme will be analysed;
- The creation of an OPEN BADGE to be named CONNECTEDLEARNING@YW MENTOR.
During the activity participants were given the opportunity to follow the procedures in order to create an Open Badge (displayed on the picture below) to record and validate their competences acquired to become Connected Learning Mentors. The possibilities of transferability, credibility and transparency of learning will be shown.
December 2nd was particulary a big day for CGE: Zafar Saydaliev and Marina Bykova were presenting the module “Digital Project Management Tools” for the Connected Learning project.
First, all participants have joined the e-learning platform – – where they did a pre-assessment quiz.
Then, Zafar shared the input, raising the question of how people are used to work and how digitalisation has affected that. The participants were invited to test one of the task-assignment collaborative tools – Trello – and give a task to their colleagues.
Last but not least, all attendees have join a Miro board, where a template of SWOT analysis was prepared in advanced to write down what strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats come along with working in digital project management tools.
All in all, it was very informative and practise oriented. Thanks everyone for joining!