Show Me A Future

“Dare 2 Do” – Final Youth Exchange of “Show me a Future II”

We started to dream about the future last August in Mühlhausen during“Dare 2 Dream Differently”, this continued in “Dare 2 Care” in Novemberin Thessaloniki, and we came back together again. From 08.03 to 15.03.2020, our SmaF team of Jasmin Jäger, Moritz Borchardt, Carolina Alves, Mike Cotterell and Ulyana Duve facilitated the third and final youth […]

“Dare 2 Do” – Final Youth Exchange of “Show me a Future II” Read More »

SmaF II: Dare 2 Dream! – Call for Participants

We are inviting you to apply for our upcoming project “Show me a Future II: Dare 2 Dream!” and its youth exchanges. A project is made in cooperation between Culture goes Europe (CGE): Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. (Germany), Associazione Culturale Strauss – Arcistrauss (Italy), United Societies of Balkans (Greece) , Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica

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