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Code and Youth ME – Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Weimar

On November 17th CGE team packed a box of electronic devices and rushed to join famous “Long Night of Sciences” – a theme for events …


Natalia González

Natalia has finished her Master in Public Policy at the Willy Brandt School at the University of Erfurt. Her research thesis topic was “The European …


Code and Youth Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus

November 11th was marked in the calendar of all Nicosians interested in high-tech long time ago. The date was saved for the multiplier event, the …


DC4JOBS: Kick-off meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus

On October 26th, 2017 a kick-off meeting of the project DC4JOBS – Digital Competences for New Jobs took place in Nicosia. The consortium of six …


Call for participants – Solidarity Architects

We are inviting you to apply for our upcoming project – “Solidarity Architects; Youth deconstructing walls of exclusion!”. A project made in cooperation between CULTURE GOES …


Monday meeting in late September – Plans, new projects and welcoming newcomers!

  Wake up before September ends 🍁 #MondayMeeting@CGEErfurt On the last Monday of September CGE team as usual gathered to have a talk about upcoming projects, …